Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Neat rip-off

This is a cool transformer Citroen commercial, Loz pointed out to me.

Unfortunately, it's a clear rip-off of an original transformers video that made the rounds a while back.

The creator is not too happy about this.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

More cool stuff

Found by Matia:

http://www.billyharveymusic.com/ - one of the best Flash sites I've seen in a while.

http://www.clusta.com/rome/ - motion grafitti by Richard Coldicott

Collaborative Procrastination

GE has made a interactive tool to doodle with your friends


It's fun... for about 5 minutes.

Half of the US is very sorry


Monday, November 08, 2004

Computational beauty

These guys have done some amazing computer generated art:


Beautiful stuff, in the footsteps of Maeda.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Red and Blue

map-redrawn, originally uploaded by kaioshin.
Inspired by Pascal's analysis of the map overlay for the election results, and the way that Republicans like to say 'look at all the red states -- so much of America supports Bush'

I decided to redraw the US map according to population size, rather than land area.

This version of the US more closely resembles my mental model of the States as well.